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You are Noah! Introduction coffee-table hardback

Hein Prinsloo Curson

Photos from tie-In to Noah's Ark TV Series 1


                           See THE NOAH'S ARK PROJECT - AFRICA 


You are Noah! Introduction [bought here] is bundled with Noah's Ark TV Series 1. See the story ahead of the TV series continuing from 2025.


You Are Noah! sees YOU taking an active interest, in a dramatic dream – to save wildlife the world over, especially animals on the IUCN red list of endangered species.

Publicity for the most ambitious of projects began with the Introduction volume of this book series, and its tie-in to Noah's Ark TV Series 1. It was then, and still is now, the Introduction to the whole programme.

The TV series, which ran on Sky TV (UK) in 2021, along with the release of music singles, is now going back into production to track on camera building the world's most iconic and technologically advanced conservation park ever conceived of.

A publicity programme in planning is aimed at putting The Noah's Ark Conservation Park at the heart of eco-tourism, and its conference centre and research facilities high in conservation circles. The overriding aim being to protect wild animal species, sustainably, for decades to come. Located in large open expanses along the coast of Africa, its main attractions will be: seeing the biggest range of animals from across the world, protected by Jurassic Park strength security, with massive Eden-Project-like Geo Domes for species (with their natural vegetation) from other climates, and the largest sea life aquarium in the world.

Noah's Ark's response to the biodiversity crisis our planet faces, is a beacon for many more to follow worldwide. Climate change is receiving more attention, as are recycling and prioritising renewable energy. And in line with that, especially at COP Conferences and around the world post-COVID, people are now reconnecting much more with nature. All of which is raising awareness to the overriding need for a united front on the crisis.

The challenge for the project team, led by Richard Curson & Hein Prinsloo, is to inspire YOU, and all who want to save our planet, to collectively raise a tsunami wave of opinion. Opinion that changes policies worldwide to our precious biodiversity, and with that to peace and wellbeing for all humanity. It will all start simply with what YOU watch, read, say, buy and follow.

Note: Project development, essentially building the park, is with Scapha Ltd (UK). While Entertainment and Concerts are with The Noah's Ark Foundation – a non-profit organisation set up to sustainably support this project, and others that aim to tackle threats to animal wildlife from industrial and agricultural development, pollution, also poaching.

You are Noah! Introduction by Hein Prinsloo + Noah's Ark TV Series 1 FREE view

SKU: 9781912576715
£18.99 Regular Price
£10.44Sale Price
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