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A political satire on the end of the world from BOOK AWARDS WINNER Christopher Ritchie.


When Marty Molloy goes about his usual business and finds himself drawn into rescuing a young girl from an attack, little does he know she’s Earth’s last angel on a mission to stop the ‘false apocalypse’ that occurred just over 100 years earlier. Civilisation was all but destroyed following the third world war – the result of political squabbling and growing racial, sexual and religious hate and distrust. Now the angel’s mission becomes Marty’s: to assemble his own team of Horsemen, to travel back in time to stop the sinister force behind it all, and to save humankind.


This bold, hilarious and thought-provoking satire is inspired by the events of 2016-2017 – but its question is timeless: is humanity worth saving? Previously published in episodic format, this novel is the complete collection. Expand your mind – and your vocabulary – and watch out for Red. He’s hungry.


Format: Paperback


About the author


Christopher Ritchie: "I've always been a writer, as long as I can remember. Writing short stories as a child, irritating my teachers with overly long descriptive passages, and attempting to translate my talent for mischief onto the page.

Thirty or so years later, I wrote a book, and then another one. Now I'm the kind of person who gets taken away by things – by TV shows, movies, books, videogames... I get lost in these worlds. I love getting lost in them. They fuel my imagination, they inform my dreams, and they open my mind to infinite possibilities.

And so my debut offering, House of Pigs, is genuinely the product of two dreams, one a nightmare. I woke up and started writing. Thirty eight years of influences, experiences and ideas came together. Light in the darkness. Redemption. Horror. The unknown. The things that scare me in my nightmares are now committed to paper and binary code.

A little while after that, I wrote the award-winning (IndieFab Book of the Year Silver Award for Horror) The ordinary. It's a dark satire that explores the global spread of fear via a rampant media. Gallows humour, epic scale, and – well, read the reviews for yourself.

I hope you enjoy my work. These books were immensely fun to write. Slowly I am creating a world for other people to lose themselves in and, hopefully, get a little bit scared just as I did.

My next novel, Nuclear Rock, should be out some time in 2017. Thanks for reading."



Religious & Inspirational Fiction | Science Fiction & Fantasy

Science Fiction | Metaphysical & Visionary


isbn: 9781912031535 paperback | 9781912031528 eBook

Stop The 'Pocalypse! I Wanna Get Off! - Political satire by Christopher Ritchie

SKU: 9781912031535
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