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Dennis to Alice by George S Boughton

More than a book – this is a movie in a book – SIGNED copies

                                                                                              SEE MORE

from sales to continuing the Noah's Ark TV series – & TV Tie-In You are Noah – which began in 2021 on Sky TV.           


Captured is a chance moment of mayhem.

Flooding from two strong storms created a dam across an otherwise peaceful river, just before a pandemic swept across the world to isolate this spot along with the author.

But, also captured along with manmade environmental contaminants, is the transformation that took place from busy contrail skies to blue and verdant water scenes… and a pair of geese that made this their home.

Then kayakers tackle the obstacle, boaters try to remove it, a swan performs... and a fox attacks…


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Dennis to Alice - by George S Boughton - SIGNED - a MOVIE in a book

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£9.99Sale Price
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