GB Publishing Org (GBP)
GBP, founded in 2013 by George S Boughton, is a small indie publisher based in Weybridge, Surrey, UK, with classic books and award winners/finalists. Born in Eritrea, Boughton grew up in Rome, New York and the UK. His working life, before finally settling in the UK, was in Nigeria, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Australia and South Africa. A Chartered Engineer (MIMechE), and now a publisher, he is also an author with a passion for nature and art.
a book is for life
GBP has grown as an indie publisher of quality, only taking on authors as well as book cover illustrators with good references. That was exemplified by GBP's exceptional exhibition of cover art prints and books at the Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre, Surrey, UK (April 2022). The message GBP offers to writers, unparalleled in publishing circles, is that a book is for life, its life and not a print life of two or so years, in effect in perpetuity.
book publishing is bigger than ever
yet more unpredictable than ever
Aspiring writers' appetites have grown, up from 1 million to 4 million titles pa through this millennium's self-publishing boom, so that now book publishing is bigger than ever. Good news for publishers and yet also new challenges. Editors, overwhelmed by the growing flood of press releases, are also harder to reach – their numbers have been cut (a product of journals going online) and many are now home-working (an effect of COVID). At the same time: traditional bookstores are ordering less, as buyers increasingly shop online, and, moreover, understanding what and how people want to read is also in a state of flux. There's the shift away from reading print as well as from fiction and towards celebrities, reality and nature or whatever else is trendy. And a new development emerging, is the shift away from lengthy content and towards byte size stories (akin to popular video and games media). All of which makes publishing more unpredictable than ever. Keeping the reading word alive, keeping the creativity of minds alive with books despite of all these changes, is the challenge that holds GBP's interest.
charity books
Another challenge is supporting charity books. These authors have pledged their profits, as follows:
Hein Prinsloo's You are Noah! Introduction to the Noah's Ark Foundation, for saving wild animals from extinction across the world.
George S Boughton's Dennis to Alice, £1 from sales to the Noah's Ark Foundation.
Clare Latham's Erin and the Mouse to SpecialEffect, for their work in helping physically disabled children – like the real-life Erin.
Solonair's Little Tommy and the Kingdom of Clouds to Ukraine's relief operations.
Dr Chet Trivedy's Tulsi and the Tiger to the Tulsi Foundation for saving endangered tigers in the wild.
Özlem Warren's Özlem's Turkish Table, sales in March 2023 (not just profits) were fully donated – around £9,000 ($11,000) – to the Turkey Mozaik Foundation, for Turkey's earthquake relief.
GBP is proud to publish these charity books and would welcome your donations / sponsorships. Please do contact us.
With thanks for your interest,
George S Boughton, CEO